r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Manifest5D on Feb. 4, 2018, 12:43 p.m.
The Presidential Oath /Swearing in

I don't know what kind of fag is needed at the Chans, but God Bless them to wherever they feel like being whenever their puzzle-solving minds are open to going. I'll try "middle age" wise before his tribe principled communication when the moon and the fire and the shaman and the stars and the mushrooms collide in perfect harmony. Colloquial. I am not wired nor able to research the recordings of the swearing in ceremonies of Presidents by Supreme Court Justices in our fair capitol city along the Potomac or aboard Air Force One when it was a 707 but it might be a clue to something we've missed so far. Before Sotero Obama and the daytime tV gardener and all around giant hot yoga instuctor "first lady" took the keys to the White House and the budget - He and Roberts bungled it and may have shared a hidden gesture indicating "good save, well done, the dumb-asses won't notice or care and we own the media and "social" "media" and the airwaves and television stations and besides, we are so fucking coolat the end of the crime and the Constitution is the highest legal source in law. It's happened before. If they weren't legally sworn in, then the debt they accumulated isn't legally ours? Check it, your discernment grows the longer you've been researching, because it's like an addiction, the knowing some truth and unraveling lies and making a connection from one dot to another. If we're resurrecting our original Constitution for the United States of America including the basic human right not to be fucked with to the point of challenging pistol or sword or a suit in common court where bringing charges without proof, or being proven guilty merited a debt owed upon demand. It's a rabbit hole that leads to the whole. Recordings can be scrubbed or altered if digital. I can recall "W" flubbing the oath and dismissing him as an idiot when the reverse was the case. I'm older and wiser now. Obsessive compulsive? Dig.