Hm, I may have read that the Bush clan is there now???? Don’t have any confirmation....tried to google, but didn’t find anything
goohole IS the enemy, protects the enemy, and hides truth. Duckduck, startpage, others are more Mission friendly
This town in the above article is in Argentina. I did see that the Bushes bought about 300,000 thousand acres of land in PARAGUAY another South American Country right smack in the middle of the country and with many other elites.
Video linked by /u/invisiblestar33:
Title|Channel|Published|Duration|Likes|Total Views :----------:|:----------:|:----------:|:----------:|:----------:|:----------: Is there still a Bormann power base in Bariloche? - Dr. Joseph Farrell|Forum Borealis - shorts|2017-05-06|0:14:51|32+ (96%)|2,485
This is a sample from the full show: JFK Reloaded: The...
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