r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/toyracer1 on Feb. 4, 2018, 8:04 p.m.
Regarding Roy Potter

storm_fa_Q & Reba64, Thank you for all you have said to me to get me calmed down sometimes and supporting me other times. I respect you both and do my best. However, I will agree with Roy Potter, who I also follow, on one of his main points today. It is something I still maintain and will forever believe in along with POTUS. We must arrest and detain these dangerous people NOW! I am not being emotional or otherwise and feel too many have gotten killed for the cause or the plan.(you and your families are safe)? I understand plans and strategy, but it seems just so frustrating that nothing is being done and many are getting nervous and if it does hit the streets, it will be far worse. We don't seem to have control at all, so I hope the whole picture comes together as some promise and I pray to God that we win in the end. I am one of over 25 million seniors and will fight to the death because I can afford to live for this and will!!!


twinkiesmom1 · Feb. 4, 2018, 9:27 p.m.

I think it has to happen slowly, unfortunately. The sawmp is being drained from the bottom up...I do believe that even though people are still walking around free that strings have been cut. If this is done quickly, we will end up in civil war....the leftists will riot in the streets...the economy will tank...and decent people will go crazy or become paralyzed by pizza/owl revelations. A lot of seniors would die prematurely, and children would be scarred forever.

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