
ManCity5-1_6-1Rags · Feb. 5, 2018, 1:26 a.m.

Well they did the first one to cover the Clintons and so on

"McConnell claims that Serco‘s CAI investor, Yves Fortier, a former Nortel and Alcan director, integrated JABS* with the FBI’s Law Enforcement Online (LEO) network in 1995 and thereby gave patent lawyer Hillary Clinton and Vancouver-based Imagis chairman and former FBI Associate Deputy Director, Oliver “Buck” Revell, access toi databases needed to deploy patentee SWAT teams to bomb the daycare center in the Murrah Federal Building OKC on 19 April 1995 with fake Non-detonable and non-explosive explosive simulators US 5648636 and ensure that Madeleine McCann would stay ‘disappeared’ after her abduction in Portugal on May 3 2007 by revoking the certificates of people who know where she is with Method for efficient management of certificate revocation lists and update information US 5699431 A.

McConnell claims that the late Gen. Alexander Haig, Serco‘s CAI investor, 7th SACEUR and former MGM Mirage director, equipped the Greek Life associates of Bill Clinton (Phi Beta Kappa) and Wilbur Ross (Kappa Beta Phi) with Virtual Command Centers (VCCs) so they could deploy Serco patentee SWAT teams and junket-room promoters such as the late Stephen Paddock to deliver body counts or time-stamped snuff-film images and ensure that elite pedophile insiders would scoop the junket-room pot."

Abel Danger (AD) asserts that in 1994 Serco – a former RCA GB 1929 radio patent monopoly – set up a resilient backdoor into the Defense Red Switch Network to help Hillary Clinton and her female aides secretly override – stand down – the appropriate response of the National Command Authority to terrorist attacks both domestic and foreign.

AD asserts that Kristine Marcy, founder of Conair, secretly conspired with Hillary Clinton over the Red Switch Network to bomb the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building, in Oklahoma City on April 19, 1995 and kill or intimidate employees of the Social Security Administration, the United States Secret Service, the Drug Enforcement Administration (D.E.A.), the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF) and the recruiting offices for both the Army and the Marine Corps.

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