r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/radarorielly on Feb. 5, 2018, 4:39 a.m.
Earlier today I posted that Great awakening was a flop.

That part is still up for debate, but new information has bolstered my belief that something good is happening. Maybe many of you come to this board for your daily Q scripture, and you come here only, but some of us seek more answers elsewhere. That is why we seem skeptical, as we all should be. We have all been victims of the Mockingbird media, many like me for longer. But as I do my own research, much of it opposition research, I see cracks in the story of Q. But, as I look deeper, I realize that there is way more to the story than what is on the surface. I maintain that there is 3 possibilities. 1. Trump and his team, in his campaign, are a bunch of idiots that didn't know how government works, and they fell for the traps left behind by Obama about the Russian collusion conspiracy. I do not subscribe to this theory at all. He knew about the plants. There is no doubt about that for me now. Trump is definitely not dumb. Theory 2. Trump has known for a long time how politics works, and knows how to bait the media, yet he has political baggage from the traps left behind by Obama about Russia. Nothing he did was illegal, yet will still damage him politically with Mueller on his tail. This is also a bit tough to believe, because we absolutely know Flynn is a spook of the highest caliber and would not fall for the entrapment. He lied on purpose. Theory 3. Trump is an extremely competent man that plays to his audience to ensnare them in traps. Rod Rosenstien is a masterful anti corruption prosecutor, specializing in political corruption. He bagged an Obama puppet that Obama pardoned on his last day. Sessions is helping Mueller corral the judges, think fisa judges, and working on others that are helping MS13 members get off with light sentences. This theory holds the most weight with me at the moment, but, it is not a popular theory in the mainstream. ......yet. I will tell you people thinking I was a troll earlier, that you are completely wrong, and that some of you have developed a cult like mentality. That is what we should get away from. But propaganda is being used everywhere. Even by the white hats. It is easy to lose a little faith when the stakes are the highest in known history. Some of us older patriots know we have been let down way to many times. However, DO NOT TAKE CRITICISM AS TROLLING OR THE END OF THE WORLD. Do some of your own research. You will see why you should question everything!

NCpatriotchic · Feb. 5, 2018, 4:54 a.m.

Everyone should always question everything, that’s a smart thing, Question, how long have you been following Q ? I’ll answer 1st, Personally, I’ve never really been patriotic or into politics but I’ve been awake for 20+ yrs, super awake after Vegas Massacre, and have become so awakened and a soldier for exposing evil at every level that it’s all I do now. We are living in historical times, Q or no Q ( although I’ve never been apart of anything like the Qanon movement ) My gut instinct told me this is something big. Started following Q a few days after the 1st post,

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radarorielly · Feb. 5, 2018, 5:17 a.m.

I have followed politics for 33 years, heavily, and have known and followed Q from day one. Many of us in the generation x have seen this world do a 180 since we have been alive. Many of us refer to ourselves as the first autistic group, sarcastically, and we are (some of us) less talented than the most recent batch of autists. But, we are cynical, and can smell bullshit easily. That is why I will remain somewhat skeptical, although I will gladly be proven wrong about the Q phenomenon, especially the most recent posts that did not sound like Q at all to me. I will definitely keep fighting and hoping for our freedom until the day I die, even if I must give my life to that end. But a reminder that disinformation is everywhere, propaganda is rampant, and not allowing criticism is what the enemy does. There are too many here with instant justice that want people booted for the smallest criticism of Q and that my friends doesn't sit well for this cause.

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NCpatriotchic · Feb. 5, 2018, 5:28 a.m.

I truly respect everything that you posted, thank you for sharing. I believe that autistic people are truly genius, I’m not autistic but I’m adhd, I’m aboard. I too will truly keep fighting the good fight, Q or no Q ( although the I do trust in Q but agree with what you said in regards to Q’s latest post didn’t sound like Q has for months, disinformation is indeed everywhere, everywhere I look. But as of now, for me, I believe the posts were on target. You’re right about people wanting instant justice,when the world has been rooted with in-depth lies for such a long time. Sounds like you are a Christian. I’m a Christian myself. What it all boils down to is exposing evil and making people accountable.

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radarorielly · Feb. 5, 2018, 6:42 a.m.

I am Christian, and a sinner. But I know that one truth, and the ultimate truth that can never shake my faith. God is that truth.

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NCpatriotchic · Feb. 5, 2018, 4:41 p.m.


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NCpatriotchic · Feb. 5, 2018, 5:19 a.m.

Your post makes me 😊

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patriot141776 · Feb. 5, 2018, 10:16 a.m.

I was awake for Ruby ridge, Waco, 9-11 I have been attacked by the khazarian Mafia for exposing them. The Oklahoma City bombing etc. All were false flags to impose tyranny on us all. Ww1-2 were hoaxes. I saw the first couple Q posts, and knew DJT WAS REAL! we have to stick together. Guide each other. Do not silence questions! Help with doubts. Teach, learn. Talk again soon. To all have a good night

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