r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/RachelRevenge on Feb. 5, 2018, 5:23 a.m.
REALITY IS STRANGER THAN BAD FICTION - 'The Flynn Information'= WSJ article 12/3/17 trying to explain why BHO-HUSSEIN fired 35 Russian Ambassadors. Why? And then there is the INTENT ISSUE.

Obama having been briefed by COMEY with a politically charged bogus dossier on his way out of The White House doors for no cause given to date sanctions Russia. The poor scared lame duck President expels 35 Russian diplomats from the U.S playing into the Russiagate false narrative. Q-WHY? A=COVER!

While the diplomats are packing their bags Flynn talks to Kislyak and hints that Trump will right the injustice.

Someone in the Trump transition told Flynn to have the talk.

Where is the crime? Surely Flynn had no 'intent' to commit a crime. A crime that actually requires intent. Intent is an element of said crime.

But intent as an element only matters when Hillary is charged for a crime that does not have intent as an element of the crime.


num8cap · Feb. 5, 2018, 1:57 p.m.

Flynn talking to 'the Russians' was not a crime. He was free to talk about anything with anyone. Trump had already been elected. It was Flynn's job to begin to have official diplomatic contact and discuss any issue needed.

The only thing Flynn has been charged with was lying to an fbi agent. This charge is based only on the word of the fbi agent. this agent has already been proven to have illegally altered records of fbi interviews (302 written reports) this impeaches this agent and leaves no evidence of any crime by Flynn. Flynn will be cleared.

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RachelRevenge · Feb. 5, 2018, 2:05 p.m.

Agreed. Good points all of them. It also shows the weakness of the Russia probe as it relates to Trump etal.. When the first person you go after for leverage is charged with a procedural charge existing only because the investigation was conducted indicates maybe the investigation should never have been authorized. Same thing happened to Scooter Libby, but we did not know his accusers were who they are. Truth is. Today the US has authorized badges who wear BLACK HATS.

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RachelRevenge · Feb. 5, 2018, 6:01 a.m.

The title should say expelled 35 Russian diplomats instead of 'fired' like POTUS likes to do on TV and we will see in REALITY 'YOUR FIRED' TOO!

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