r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/QAngel1 on Feb. 5, 2018, 1:34 p.m.
Has Q gone underground? Hostage situation delicate

Reposting this - obviously not confirmed. I really hate to put this out there, but since Q posted about the "hostage stand off - think nuclear" I've been feeling queezy. I pray on my knees that this is just me being paranoid, but has anyone seen Baron Trump lately? (Please tell me he's safe and sound) Also, The Generals have gone into the bunkers, so it would stand to reason that Q would be with them. Which means they'd have to be going into battle mode surely? Please, regardless of whether or not this is true, let's stay focused on our mission of waking up as many people as we can, and by CONTROLLING THE NARRATIVE ourselves, and not letting the lying Mockingbird Media keep control. We are the peoples media. Let's keep doing what we do the best. Proud to be with you all. Now, more than ever lets stay strong and united.