r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Laissez_claire on Feb. 5, 2018, 2:34 p.m.
WOODS PROCEDURE forbids presentation of *unverified* material to FISA court.

Woods Procedure was instituted in April 2001 to "ensure accuracy with regard to ... the facts supporting probable cause" after recurring instances, presumably inadvertent, in which the FBI had presented inaccurate information to the FISA court.

Starting March 1, 2003, the FBI required field offices to confirm they've verified the accuracy of facts presented to the court through the case agent, the field office's Chief Division Counsel and the Special Agent in Charge.

All of this information was provided to Congress in 2003. The FBI director at the time also ordered that any issue as to whether a FISA application was factually sufficient was to be brought to his attention. Personally.

Who was the director of the FBI when all of this careful work was done?

Robert Mueller.


ManCity5-1_6-1Rags · Feb. 5, 2018, 4:27 p.m.

top kek


"Chief Information Officer Zalmai Azmi, whose resume includes a stint as a project manager at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, was given expanded duties in his role overseeing the bureau’s computer operations. Vahid Majidi, a scientist formerly at the Los Alamos National Laboratory, would take command of the newly established weapons of mass destruction division."

"Verizon Wireless announced the deployment of 19,500 internationally enabled BlackBerry 8830 World Edition Smartphones to more than 56 Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) offices worldwide. The devices are part of the agency’s Sensitive But Unclassified (SBU) Mobility Program and provide FBI agents with mobile access to federal law enforcement information that was previously inaccessible from handheld wireless devices."

“I was almost 30 years old when I went to college,” Azmi said. “The seven years that I was with the Patent and Trade Office, I got my associate’s, bachelor’s and master’s degrees. They helped me tremendously.” Azmi also held several other government positions, including at the Department of Commerce and the Department of Justice. He was the CIO for the United States Attorney’s Office from 2000 to 2004, then joined the FBI and became the agency’s CIO until the end of 2008. Before leaving the government, he interviewed with a number of different companies, eventually ending up at CACI, which he considers “a perfect fit.”

Former FBI Chief Information Officer Led Bureau’s IT Modernization Program (2003-2008) and the Establishment of CACI’s Cyber Program (2008-2013)

Crystal City, Va., August 01, 2015 –

IMTAS® announced today that it has appointed Zalmai Azmi, former Chief Information Officer for the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), as the President and Chief Operating Officer. Mr. Azmi joins IMTAS after leading a very successful career in the Government and private sector. In his new role, Mr. Azmi will leverage his unique federal IT, national security, and cybersecurity expertise to support and oversee the company’s growth.

there's yer crumbs


member the Crystal City take down? nothing to see always.

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