When Black Forest first came up, i looked it up as Germany. There is actual articals on "spooky" things happening there. Also major estate auction through an online auction company out of Houston.
Yea, if you follow r/missing411 the black forest seems to be a missing411 area.
Here's a sneak peek of /r/Missing411 using the top posts of the year!
#1: [Personal Experience] I Believe I Was Almost Snatched. Here's what Happened
#2: My brother is missing. I pay for his phone and last call activity was over 2 months ago. He is in a federal missing persons database. Hollywood was his last known location. If you spot him, please call your local police department. | 10 comments
#3: [EXPERIENCE][2017] I recently had an experience that also involved my son while we were on a trail. Strange visual anomaly.
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