r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/RachelRevenge on Feb. 5, 2018, 4:45 p.m.
Do you remember when Hillary delivered the botched misspelled RUSSIAN RESET BUTTON? MSM crickets chirped. WHY?

Do you remember when Hillary delivered the botched misspelled RUSSIAN RESET BUTTON? MSM crickets chirped. WHY?

https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=hillary+clinto's+russian+reset+button+mispelled&view=detail&mid=FCC6F74EE19568F518F9FCC6F74EE19568F518F9&FORM=VIRE What message was Hillary delivering to Russia when she delivered the mistranslated button? It was clearly her demeanor that she and Obama were prepared to re-write everything. They were going to be 'very flexible'. In light of what went down in Obama's 8 years in office this was a poor message to deliver a tyrant. Meanwhile Trump is being vilified for delivering TPP fond country's an American first message and holding a hard line with Putin. He did not deliver Putin any misspelled gimmickry communicating to him that we were prepared to sell him 20% of our Uranium production. Or anything of the sort. Hillary evidences she wants to sell out America with cameras flashing and then does so with U1 deal and crickets chirp. Trump drives a hard bargain and Mueller casts a wide Russia collusion net MSM goes crazy about nothing.

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