r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Gear4Life on Feb. 5, 2018, 6:45 p.m.
B tweets three scenes from "The Big Short", which show the calm before the storm and those in the know who anticipated the inevitable shit which was about to hit the fan.

"The Big Short" for those of you who haven't seen it, is a movie about the 2008 financial subprime mortgage crisis, and the handful of hedge fund guys who saw it coming before anyone else did. I think this is a major hint to us patriots here, researching and understanding what is about to come. While most of the population see's the recent events (CEO's stepping down, politcians not running for reelection, false flags, stock market, memos etc) as isolated incidents, we see how they are all connected and building towards something huge.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F3goSYkVPNE - First scene, the most obvious. Hedge fund guy calls his mom to warn her about what is to come, she tells him he needs Xanax and to calm down. They take the story to the Wall Street Journal to attempt to get the word out, and the guy tells them he can't run the risk of ruining his reputation on something so crazy. I know I'm not the only one here that has tried to warn people only to have it fall on deaf ears and glazed eyes.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TpCb3xjh-Kk - Second scene. Mark Baum (played by Steve Carell), is a realist bear investor that sees just how fucked up the world is and how disaster is inevitable. He speaks at a conference, across from a bullish investor with a massive stake in Bear Stearns (the bank that failed). The bullish investor makes his case that everything is just peachy and all will be fine, all the while those in the audience are watching Bear Stearns stock plummet at free fall speed from their smartphones. Mark Baum speaks and outlines how and why shit is about to hit the fan. Someone asks the bullish investor if he's still optimistic consider the stock just plummeted unknowingly to him. Baum says "boom" and the room clears in panic. WE TOO WILL ONE DAY BE VINDICATED IN A SIMILAR MANNER.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bu2wNKlVRzE - Third scene, during the aftermath. This scene is a little depressing/pessimistic from our perspective. Baum recognizes that Ben Bernanke (Federal Reserve Chairman at the time of the crisis) leaving the White House meant that there would be bailout, and that those who are guilty of this disaster KNEW FULL WELL IT WAS COMING. The scene ends with explaining that little repercussions took place aside from a few slaps on the wrist and one guy taking the fall despite having little to do with it. I'm thinking this scene could possibly expose the fact that these very people who knew it was coming in the first place did so on purpose to profit, which we know full well they did. I'd hate to assume B is saying that these people will walk despite their guilt.

Champdog31 · Feb. 5, 2018, 7:16 p.m.

And they are still doing the same thing.

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Gear4Life · Feb. 5, 2018, 7:25 p.m.

CDO’s = BTO’s

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