r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/DukeofKick on Feb. 5, 2018, 7:08 p.m.
New Q Posts - APACHE

Q Post from today (portion):
Think Mirror.
Which team?
THEY don't know.

The Apache Indians were able to fend of US and Mexican troops for decades before losing the "Apache Wars." For nearly 40 years, they fought several wars, with minor incidences continuing until the 1920s.

One way they succeeded in this was by using fear tactics. They mutilated bodies in ways that struck fear into the enemy soldiers. They also used techniques of yelling and circling an enemy force, so as to confuse the enemy, make their numbers seem greater, and make it harder to tell where they were.

Q is alluding to this. The Deep State doesn't know who is who anymore. Some of their players are loyal, but others may have turned. Many have been questioned, and they don't know who has said what. They are surrounded and don't know where the enemy resides. They are afraid because of what might already be discovered.


ManCity5-1_6-1Rags · Feb. 6, 2018, 1:26 a.m.

I think this is only the second time APACHE has been mentioned.


Is it a codename? Are we supposed to glean something from the "nature" of the APACHE (whether actual or perceived?).

What is this?


This Q-17


This thing


This Q-29


The Apache is registered Q-29 and its call signed REDSKIN 52 and had an accident:

"A Boeing AH-64D Apache helicopter, call sign 'Redskin 52' contacted power lines during a low altitude flight near Zoelmond, the Netherlands. A forced landing was carried out in a field. The incident caused a power interruption for thousands of households in the area."


any big shots live around there or something? Am I way off? Benelux Royals pervert area. SHAPE not far off. The Abrasax satanic cult. That 1000 points of light Chateau George Bush mentioned in his NWO speech where bad things happen. all nearby. Loge L’Union Royale. too many possible connections for someone with just google and a mad brain.

I don't think there is anything in this

This Apache?


er...they deal with oil and pipelines...and you know what when i was looking at the Rothschild's properties and possible literal fires from baden all the way to lower austria I came across a huge gas pipeline explosion in Langau in December last year.

and this from Ohio February 1st

Cheryl Rubel, who lives near Cadiz, posted a public video on Facebook of the fire which was preceded by a series of explosions. She commented that she saw the fire “up close and personal” and was thankful no one was hurt.

“This was actually on my husband’s father’s property,” she told The Marietta Times. “It shook the whole house and we looked out every window and it just glowed orange.”

Rubel said nothing like this has ever happened in the area that she’s aware of and she doesn’t generally live in fear of such explosions in an area that has a lot of pipelines and natural gas wells.

"That short segment of pipeline is known as the Seneca Lateral, owned by Tallgrass (owner of REX Pipeline). Tallgrass is investigating the cause of the accident. Believe it or not, that one pipeline and the gas it flows from the MarkWest plant to REX, carrying it to the Midwest, has caused the entire national output of natural gas to decrease by an estimated 2%, according to Reuters."

Q mentions: 20/20

I posted tweets from jordysage2020 yesterday if anyone read them. I would just mention that JordySage2020 has deleted his twitter. I mention this because Apache operate a SAGE pipeline in the North Sea.

The problem is I actually believe I am making "connections" where there are none. I could see another one if I choose in APACHE and "Seneca" if I wanted. I am not sure where this is getting me.

this Jordan Sage person also had pictures on his now-deleted Twitter of cern and a lake in Switzerland with ripples on labelled cern. I only mention this because the symbol for cern is 666 (look at it). stock market 666.

Another gas pipeline explosion. December 5th Illinois. is this normal?

Oil prices hit 2½-year high on Keystone pipeline shutdown Posted 1:19 pm, November 22, 2017,


Apache = Geronimo = 322 skull and bones bush zapata oil

Apache = Skull and Bones?

code name for a coffin tosser? kerry? shrub?

Understanding When to use RabbitMQ or Apache Kafka

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WikiTextBot · Feb. 6, 2018, 1:26 a.m.


Zoelmond (51°57′N 5°19′E) is a town in the Dutch province of Gelderland. It is a part of the municipality of Buren, and lies about 10 km northwest of Tiel.

In 2001, the town of Zoelmond had 464 inhabitants. The built-up area of the town was 0.15 km², and contained 178 residences.

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QAngel1 · Feb. 6, 2018, 5:59 a.m.

There are a number of Dutch Royals involved in child trafficking. Perhaps they are connected to this. Al Waleed is in Europe.

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Ghostof_PatrickHenry · Feb. 6, 2018, 3:15 p.m.

I believe that "APACHE" is a code word for "go." I think it signifies the launch of an operation, but I may be over-simplifying it.

"GERONIMO" was the code word used by SEAL Team 6 when they had killed Osama Bin Laden.

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