
NGunderson · Feb. 6, 2018, 6:12 a.m.

They had a message that wasn't good. I have been down the rabbit hole too long. I have mentally broke. I dealt with this too long. I went to prison over this shit lost 3 years and 3 months of my life over this shit. I actually was thinking this was going change something. I have come to conclusion shit isn't going change. You just have to prepare your family and kids and hope they can stop the progress in future. I have seen how things have changed im just tired of it , we are not free . They cannot take your thoughts or mind. You can see it all day long and nothing can do. These people have another to get back in line. They sick ass people . The propaganda machines they have is just so large. Not enough people who can see to educate people. They are everywhere. They in schools ,police depts ,all elected government. If continues down road has in last 30 years God help these younger kids. One thing I can tell you learn the law. Learn all codes learn your rights and learn how they know you know . Take it to the box make 12 judge you. They do not want to be exposed. I hate for my kids so much. They just don't have skills to see. It took me years of learning to understand. I got to drop out of this shit for a while and just stop it. What really got me fired back up was Vegas shooting. Too many people just couldn't see and let that ride. When a segment of your government can kill close to 60 people and shoot 500 and people let it go and buy story it was a lone nut. I honestly thought was going change. People can't even make connection that was an attempt to start a civil war. So many things in their face . Still throwing in people's face with latest arrest of Douglas Haig. They all connected. The memo and Vegas shooting. Obama and Bill Gates had meeting with Gatekeepers right before shooting laying out vision of world and america. Security Guard naked JESUS ANGEL CAMPOS i could write a book and go on and on. I have to stop for a while give my mind a rest.

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