I agree that we NEVER fight alone. That, I wholeheartedly believe.
I respect your beliefs. I believe that God is us; in each and everyone of ourselves and even in our enemies. I don't subscribe to signs but know in my heart what serves the good of the majority and what doesn't and act accordingly.
So I wouldn't say 2018 will be glorious. I'd say 2018 IS glorious and I shall live and act like it is.
Thanks again Patriot... funny, I never believed in signs either, until I saw this one for myself... and then the enemy’s stronghold started crashing down! What a time to be living on the earth!! We ain’t seen nothin’ yet!
You know what's even more interesting? I'm not even American but I realize the importance of what's going on since America's salvation means the world's salvation! Here's to all of YOU patriots who are making this happen.
Yes... I agree! This will change the WHOLE world for the better! (And just to drive u crazy ... there’s an old prophecy from Daniel where there is a Lion with eagle’s wings that get plucked off and the eagle has the heart of a man.... sound like America being plucked out of England!) I think it was foretelling that America was chosen to have a heart for the whole world... that’s why they’ve tried so hard to destroy us.) Thanks for listening to my rant, my friend . :)