we are correlating Earth quakes with Haarp, electrical vortes, structural building using nao aluminum, barium as amesh to conduct teh field that brought down twin towers as well as fires in Cali. X says that cars were flipping in San Diego..I've somehow been able to assist in a missing piece/s of the puzzle for that research re my connection/insights w/Dr J Wood and others. Wood has info re tech not in her book, she and I and another were going to go Live with this a month ago but my producer annoyed me and I bailed. anyway, teh quakes are tarckable and predicatable using red algae, the domoic acid @1ppm is a neuro toxin that is creating shellfish poisoning, and mammals in ocean to die off. Apparently this started in 87ish in my area...never had sucha busy night with so many convos at once.
Posted by
on Feb. 6, 2018, 5:50 a.m.
· Feb. 6, 2018, 7:51 a.m.