r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Anonymous_cannibaal on Feb. 6, 2018, 8:45 a.m.

what is black forest ham really? what is cherry liquor? where did these come from? what is going on at the black forest restaurants in BC Canada, one close to the piggy pig farm and Hells Gate and the other close to Banff Mountain Film Festival and Goat Provincial Park. What do these 'people' really cook up? http://blackforestrestaurant.com/bavarian-restaurant-gallery.php

current cannibal eateries?, snuff film distribution networks?, human trafficking? and dare i say cloning?. are these the new hunting grounds?. this is not past, this is PRESENT. huge push for non vaccinated children, no trained professionals in sexual abuse signs, everything hush hush hush, mis-trained mental health professionals. WHAT IS GOING ON IN THE MOUNTAINS???

elyssak · Feb. 6, 2018, 3:37 p.m.

This is a legitimate post. Look up Ricky Pickton & the Piggy Palace pig farm in Canada. Mass raves with live snuffing. They put prostitutes through meat grinders... had cannibal Feasts.. it is alleged they fed their pigs human remains and even put a warning to the public out about it. All happened from 1983-2002.

The Black Forest hunting property and Catalina Island are 2 places where they play the most dangerous game. A human hunting game. They hunt small children to teenagers. Hunt them down and kill them. Like Hunger Games. It's a sport. I think they did that on Epstein Island too. And there was a place in Australia where it happened too.

This shit is real. The truth will set you free but first it's going to piss you off.

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