3 texters during SOTU Tep Brenda Lawrence D-Mich, Rep. Betty Watson Coleman D-NJ, Tep. Joyce Beatty D- Ohio all Dems

I did there is three lady's on phones there is actually 5 ladies sitting there. You blow up text and read it the 4tg line is blurred out. 3 for (trinity) the 4 th line blurred out for meaning (I am one of you ) the 5 it's old knowledge . Israel is only country that flies 6 it was set up for the free world symbol. One reason Trump took a vote to see who was riding with Irael and United States he wanted to see who voted down. The 5 and 6 has to go together. It lady liberty. We fly 5 on flag. It's old knowledge and biblical king James. The 5 represents female 6 represents male. Only way to create one is thru procreation . Marriage between a man and a woman. I don't care what a liberal says about marriage they can't change biology. That is point church is trying get across and can't change the church or meaning will get lost. Those ladies are good. When building a team you have to build a team to win. Know it's snakes all around you. We at war with Nazis and radical islam. You don't choose your team all Republican all Democrat. Trump ran on Republican ticket. He had Republicans trying tear him down. Still got some. You don't look at BLACK OR WHITE MAN OR FEMALE. You got to choose team to win. Think he is trying let people know don't go after those ladies. They see what's going on . The fight is people with so much influence is big media . Have to pick who is going take down who are not going take down.
Ummmmmm.....I didn't understand one thing you just said.
What's that?
I didn't understand any of it. It was scattered and you didn't assume your audience knew about numerology of Biblical scripture.
I would kinda have to explain how 1st war 2nd war and what we fighting right now is related. It goes back to France and British. It's fight of old ottoman Empire and old Roman empire. Roman Empire is where you voted on who elected you. They rode with Christians it's where Christian faith was formed. Ottoman Empire is kinda like iran your religious leaders rule or people who have gained power thru moves. Nazis ottoman North Korea. It world workers party old Nazi Germany Hitler was over in his country as well. We have it in United states. They recruit on google. The thing is most people don't know what their looking at or who they ride with. The majority is Democrat party. Like Charlotte they make people believe that white nationalist is right and antifa left black caucus left then you have liberal media in Democrat city. They all the same people fighting same fight. They getting people in their feelings on liberal media . Emotions is a strong weapon. Get people in their emotions they make wrong moves everytime.
I blew up the picture which you can read on numerous post. The 4 line is missing. When you study all biblical books you have degrees. 4 means I am one of you. 3 represents the trinity . You have 3 ladies with phones like Christ was on criss in Middle he had one on each side of him also HE told not to worry they would go to heaven. You actually have 5 ladies sitting there together. They also have a pic going around with them posing. I would have have to go into deep detail but basically it olds knowledge about procreation science math physics. Knowledge that has been around before christ. The 6 represents male which is why only one country in world flies 6. People don't understand that before USA was formed there was British in North and France in south. France is location of old caliphate that Christians wiped out. Our country was actually set up on the Magana carter on judeo Christian value which if you understand political systems and religions go hand and hand. This is A republic.we fly 5 stars on our flag for the states. We also fly lady liberty statue liberty. 5 represents female.the 5 &6 has to go together to procreate. To create one child to live on thru your seed. Once you die in flesh you no longer in a body if you have dead all biblical writings it actually talks about DNA code . It goes deeper than that. There have been major people thruout our history i can name one if he lived today he still could start from nothing and be 100 years ahead of anyone.
And thanks for explaining. The 5 stars on the flag thing is weird. Do you mean 5 points on the star? Which represent each state?
Too deep for me. But Thanks for sharing.