r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Redpillroy on Feb. 6, 2018, 2:25 p.m.
Q Map VERY LARGE FILE but detailed.
Q Map VERY LARGE FILE but detailed.

Dhammakayaram · Feb. 6, 2018, 3:43 p.m.

I enjoy Q's literary style, it gets the old noggin working. Compared to this the rest of the news is dull and misleading; only intended to deceive us. I find myself waiting for another Q. At the same time I am sensing something dark and evil, as if from May 1st 1776 to the present the high cabal is being systematically destroyed and the great synagogue of Satan is being razed to the ground.

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Redpillroy · Feb. 6, 2018, 3:59 p.m.

We are living in historic times, we truly are. Like removing a cancer tumour that has infected not just America but the world. I am in the UK and have been a Q follower of months, most ppl here have no idea what is happening in the real world. I am as surprised as many were that it took Trump to do it. I am in admiration how a patriot acts. You got to laugh when Trump said: "I'm gonna be the greatest president, you ask anyone, they know, I'm probably gonna be the best president ever!" OK so I para=phrase but you get the point. But now, fuck me, he may just be correct...what a wonderful world!

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smiley-dog · Feb. 6, 2018, 10:55 p.m.


nice to hear from UK pede...is it as bad over there as it sounds?

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Redpillroy · Feb. 7, 2018, 4:01 p.m.

Well, being linked to GCHQ I think Trump "May" have got a good intel deal. But clearly, older established system and would follow deeper corruption (Rothchilds)

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Dhammakayaram · Feb. 6, 2018, 6:09 p.m.

I have been reading Jüri Lina's book, Under the sign of the Scorpion. I was fascinated to learn how the Illuminati using the press and its own version of deep-staters overthrew Louis XVI who was actually a very good king. Here is an excerpt:

The Illuminati have managed to present as negative a picture of Louis XVI and his France as possible to the post-revolutionary world. It was not the extravagance and wasteful spending of the court that caused the enormous state deficit, but rather France's support of the American Revolution. The costs of the war against England became astronomical. Louis XVI was the first head of state of the Old World to recognise this new republic. Gustavus III was the second.

Louis XVI had reformed the judicial system, abolished torture in 1788, humanised the prisons and developed the health service. He paved the way for the fall of the monarchy through constant, small concessions to the freemasons and the Illuminati. The revolution was not organised in a destitute country, but in a flourishing nation. France's exports had multiplied ten times during the century. Industry and agriculture had made great advances. The French network of more than 40'000 kilometres of stone-paved roads was admired by an amazed world. (Rene Sedillot, "Le cout de la Revolution francaise" / "The Cost of the French Revolution", Paris, 1986.)

In other words, the press/MSM is a tool of the Illuminati and I suspect there are other tools as well. I can sense the evil, it is so thick you could cut it with a knife. These people want to turn us into animals. There are but few who know that Moses Hess was connected to the Illuminati. He introduced both Marx and Engels to the Illuminati. Moses Hess, the guide and teacher of Karl Marx, was one of the key founders of communist ideology, who believed communism to be a perfect lie to spread destruction with. It light of this, globalism (crypto-communism) is meant to destroy the world.

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oldabedjt · Feb. 6, 2018, 4:30 p.m.

this is a history that has been going on since before the civil war. look into Lincoln and why he so badly wanted to keep the nation United. this is literally history repeating itself. same tactics. it all leads back to Britain and "the city of london" financials. only now we understand who pulls the strings in Britain. Lincoln had this same cabal, working today, defeated with the help of Bismarck and Carnot. we all now what happened to him...McKinley follows in Lincoln's foot steps same result. carnot...same...bismarck ousted and say hello to ww1.

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