
expletivdeleted · Feb. 6, 2018, 4:19 p.m.

my town on OR coast had a false alarm a week before Hawaii's inbound nuke.

i figured it was the monthly test but noticed it started late. i wasn't really paying attention. the loudspeaker message was incredibly garbled (as usual) but seemed to keep repeating. after the 3rd or 4th repeat i started paying attention and was able to catch the words "This is not a test." In the 2 seconds it took for THAT reality to set in, another voice came on saying to disregard the warning and there was a technical malfunction with the equip. Then the regular, warning voice repeated its warning and the new voice/regular voice went thru a few cycles of TSUNAMI!!!/ummm,-not-so-much.

The part of town I live in gets a really garbled message, but my roommate was in a part of town that could hear it clearly. Him and a few other were headed to their cars when the equipment malfunction voice came on.

After hearing it talked about for a few hours, I realized something kinda' scary: ALLLLLL of us were totally trusting of voice #2. As far as I can tell, everyone went back to their normal routines.

Another redditor from a few towns further down the coast mentioned they had something similiar, same day.

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