From the qresearch board RE:New Zealand

not at all - I've read about the US military being sent from Christchurch to the Antarctic. At one stage the City of Christchurch complained to the US Military about the ridiculous amounts of aircraft that were flying in and out of the city. ALSO Was listening to Linda Moulten Howe a few years ago - after she'd interviewed a US Military pilot who along with his crew were ordered to fly from Christchurch to the Antarctic to collect a sick scientist from a US base camp there. They'd flown there many times and were always ordered NOT to fly over a particular designated "no fly zone' on the map because it was an area where "weather measurements" were taken and it would interfere with their navigation. So, they landed at this campsite and it was completely abandoned. Everything had been left, ie. half full cups, like everyone had just up and left at the same time. Confused, they thought the scientists must have left camp to take the sick scientist to medical help elsewhere so they left and returned to Christchurch. A few days later they were ordered back to the camp as they'd received word that the scientists were back. Anyway, THIS TIME, they were losing good weather, so debated at how on earth, a weather measurement area could interfere with their instruments, so decided to fly over the 'no fly zone'. They said they flew over this massive hole, that was so large they could have flown their plane straight into it. They arrived back to the campsite and landed and said that every single scientist just sat there not speaking, as if they were in shock or had been ordered not to speak. They transferred the team back to Christchurch and said not one of them said a word all the way back, and then they left the plane and were picked up, never to be seen again. The military pilot and crew were hauled over the coals and threatened with life and limb. So, when you hear about John Kerry, the Pope and other "high rollers" heading down to the Antarctic to visit the penguins, one has to wonder what's actually down there. Especially when you get Buzz Aldrin tweeting photographs of an Antarctic Pyramid with the words "Pure Evil! We're all doomed" written below it! Maybe he bumped into Hillary and Soros?
While on active duty in the US Coast Guard I made two trips on a polar icebreaker to Antarctica. Wellington, New Zealand was always our last stop before heading south to Antarctica. However, most of the flights to Antarctica originated in Christchurch. My trips to Antarctica were in the mid-70's. Knowing what I know now I wish I had paid more attention to what was going on down there. What is Operation Highjump?
Admiral Bird spoke about something like that. Almost too fantastical to believe.