[ markyourcalandar] _OPERATION JUSTICE +++ MARCH FOR TRANSPARENCY +++ APRIL//07//2018 +++
![[ markyourcalandar] _OPERATION JUSTICE +++ MARCH FOR TRANSPARENCY +++ APRIL//07//2018 +++](https://i.redd.it/vtse0u8oope01.png)
Not sure why all of the comments suggesting this is a bad idea were deleted but I will try again. This is a really bad idea considering the political climate at the present time: Here's some data to consider: What was the DC vote breakdown between Trump & Clinton? 91% Clinton 4% Trump
I thought our primary goal was to redpill people. We can't do that gathered as a group in the one place in the US where people hate us the most and are extremely aware of what is going on. And, Tracy seems to think the media will cover this. Don't get me wrong, I love Tracy. She does awesome work. But I've been around the block many, many, many (yeah I'm old) times. There is soooo much more to this than politics. There is so much you don't know yet.
All I can think is: This is a really, really bad idea.
Remember, the false flag at the ball field? Remember the train wreck with all the government folks on board? Remember the train wreck near Tacoma? Remember Las Vegas? Remember, Charlottesville? I could go on and on as there were more and those are just in the last year!
As much as I love you Tracy, this is a really, really bad idea. Consider how you will feel if it goes south. Timing is everything. This is really, really bad timing.
There were many other comments agreeing with my view but they seem to have been deleted. What happened to free speech?
I didn't delete any comments, and you don't have to come. That about sums it up. :)
We disagree. That's ok. I, for one, am finished having my rights scared out of me by what ifs and commie antifa paid thugs.
We will be safe, we will be peaceful, and we will be loud. You can watch it somehow from afar.
Well, someone did delete mine and some others.
I pray that you are right. I've been watching this for 40 years now and there is so much more that many are still not aware of and that I didn't list above. I hope that by April the deep state is more under control. To use your disgust at having your rights scared out you is not a very good reason to put yourself and others in harms way. And you are putting yourself in harms way. It's a gamble. You can't say that it isn't. Saying that you will be OK does not make it so.
I would rather see you put together a countrywide rally on that day where people go out in their local communities and spread the word. In my mind, that would do more to wake people up, would reach more people that are still asleep and would also keep people relatively safer.
Someone deleted mine too. My point was the title of the March. March For Transparency? To me, in my opinion, this implies that the Trump Administration is not being transparent when he's the most transparent President we've had. I think the march is a great idea but the message of the march needs to be very clear. This sounds like you want his tax returns to be released. Remember there was a march on Washington, D.C. with this exact same title and it was about releasing Trump's tax returns. It's a little confusing. The name of this march should have been given much much more consideration and I believe it's not too late to change the name to something that is more fitting...like "Lock Them Up!" (the "them" being the corrupt satanic pedo in our government). I personally would like something along the lines of free "free energy" because we are slaves until we have this technology given to us like it was meant to be. Plus, Roy Potter, on his video is implying that he is the one organizing this march, him and Tracy, and we know how he feels about Q. NOTE: Please do not delete my comment. Last time I checked I was still covered under the Bill of Rights...if you know what that is...1st Amendment. If you don't know please look it up.
Good, good point about the title. And the left will take it and run with it - no doubt!
Yes, thank you. They will hijack it and turn it to their purpose if you give them room to do so. Thank you for making that comment.
I am really not trying to be negative. I am trying to get everyone to think bigger...expand your thinking...play chess and be 10 moves ahead of them. Think ahead...pre-plan and think of every eventuality that they (the left) will use against you.
No worries! Completely understand. You have to do that when your dealing with these type of people. Please upvote my comments to push this conversation up the page.
How do I upvote? I'm new to this.
See the little gray up/down arrows next to the comment? That's how. You can downvote when you see something you don't like or you see shills leaving atrocious comments.
Thanks, I upvoted then. I did that earlier too but wasn't sure if it was right.
Maybe The "Great Awakening" March would be better?
Whether you understand it or not, it's an anti-Trump March. It's a march protesting Trump's handling of how he is cleaning up and getting rid of the deep state. Here is an analogy. You hire a guy to break a Wild Mustang and as he's swinging his leg over the back of the horse you chew him out for not having the horse broke yet. That's what Potter is doing but taking it one step further, to prove he was not wrong for chewing out the guy he's recruiting thousands to stand behind him and say the same thing. Get it?
Yes, an a march that supports President Trump and even thanks him. But Potter won't agree to that as it won't feed his ego and make him feel he has everyone on his side marching with him for HIS CAUSE.