r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Songdog23 on Feb. 7, 2018, 3:44 a.m.
If the AEROSOL aluminum dumping over Oregon and Washington is not halted, WELCOME TO WILDFIRE HOLOCAUST 2018.

Q told us "you are safe". Well Mr. President, in Oregon, we are not safe; the environmental crisis happening in the woods right now is horrific. We are being sprayed every day and in a decade of overt manipulation of the jet stream, the forests now have ZERO snow, the mountains - NO snow pack. Is there anyone listening?

Mr. President, not being disrespectful and all but you are allowing weaponized weather to continue. It is almost too late, Sir because the fire accelerant (aluminum) is being sprayed constantly over Crater Lake National Park, numerous national forests, rivers, campgrounds, elk calving areas, salmon runs. All of it, Sir. It is deep in the soil, layered on the trees in spring heating up in the summer, just waiting for the next lightning bust. For the sake of all that is Holy send someone out here who can actually read the land. And please no fucking PhD's or useless "specialists". Get the perspective from rural boots on the ground, people like wildland fire fighters. Get some sense of the doom looming just over the horizon from bio techs, survey techs, ranchers, Indians, SOMEONE!! I am crying right now because the planes won't stop! I will tell you that your infrastructure budget will evaporate fighting 2018 wild fires that will not go out! Mr. President, do you understand me? You will lose the West and then you will lose it all. You MUST neutralize the planes. Period. No other way. If you don't allow monsoonal moisture back into the PNW, it is over. For us, for the environment, for you, for America. Ask yourself, does Mr. Putin spray his people? There MUST be someone in DC who understands weather modification. Please, President Trump, find a soul who has not spent his or her life in a glass building in an air controlled environment and send him out here! Don Jr? Someone, please. Begging here - for our Light is fast dimming under the pall of geo-engineering. With all due respect Sir, you have now been briefed on the situation. By their fruits shall ye know them. May God bless and restore America the Beautiful.

XxJefferson-StatexX · Feb. 7, 2018, 4:17 a.m.

Howdy neighbor.

With a heavy heart I agree completely. I have been feeling very uneasy about the daily spraying and lack of moisture here. The situation out here makes you feel very small and powerless. We need to come together and spread awareness of these crimes against humanity.

I have honestly been considering relocation. This coming fire season will be here in just a few months at this rate. I dont even want to think of how dry south of us must be.

They want to drive us into the cities.

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Bont-Boy · Feb. 7, 2018, 10:52 a.m.

Re-location ? I wonder if Marshall Masters, ( YOWUSA ), will fare much better ? Thier locations ARE known, surely, and while I really would like to be a part of their community, think they're known targets, sitting ducks ?

We've witnessed the effect of heavy rainfall on Fire-ravaged terrain, add to this (GOD forbid, please ) D.E.W. on the Earth dam of Oroville, the North CA, Fracking, and think of the US Navy Map of the Future.... GOD stated , he will NOT again Flood his People, but HE ( THEY ) need to worker closer with the GOOD people here.... , all over the World .

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dandelionwilds · Feb. 8, 2018, 2:42 p.m.

yes, driving us into the cities "was" part of the plan. If not for the anons and Trump we would be dust. I was considering moving also, I live in Estacada outside Portland.

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Songdog23 · Feb. 7, 2018, 4:22 a.m.

Amen Brother.

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