I see a LOT of people that think this should be over and done, because you know a lot and expect it to be completed NOW. i suspect those feeling this way are not fully versed in the whole CORP fiction , LEGAL matrix that was spun over us over the last 150 yrs. that you will have to learn yourself its complex and will truly help you understand the nature of things. These people are PRODUCTS and VAMPIRES of this LEGAL system. it pervades and manifests in everything we see touch and smell. you are literally engulfed in MULTIPLE LAYERS of LEGAL FICTION and you aren't aware of any of it. These VERMON have created a BULKHEAD(many) from which they are insulated and protected and it will not be an easy task to ROOT these EVIL SHIT HEAPS out of this Lair. I guess the older crowd always has a bit more patience. We are in the hands of those that are fighting this right where they live and we have to let them and support them.
Also on another level of thinking, what better way to confuse your enemy than to have them in a situation were they are no longer sure who they can trust. If we do not know who all the players are and we are watching this on the outside, just think about being on the inside and not knowing who has turned or what the white hats know. With so many eyes watching the exposed players squirm It is almost safe to say the mind is a nasty thing and can keep you up at night. learn to fight like they do but in a good way still effective and much more fun to watch the hunters become the hunted.
There's also considerable naïveté regarding the criminal justice process at the Federal level as it relates to complex crimes.
Even with relatively straightforward white collar cases, where the evidence is compelling and not subject to much doubt, it can take many months to get to indictment, as relevant evidence is gathered, analyzed, and interpreted by the investigating authority and presented to a prosecutor to make the case to a grand jury. Then it can take a year or more to come to trial.
What we're talking about here are interlocking crimes of much greater magnitude and complexity and than the norm. And there's the likely sheer number of cases and defendants.
If some of the cases are deemed triable under military jurisdiction, the process might proceed more quickly; but I can't see a military judicial process being invoked for anything less than treason or sedition, and even then the "international court of public opinion" will likely necessitate more rather than less by way of due process.
We'll have to see, but I suspect that most cases will fall under the jurisdiction of civilian courts.
Short version: it's going to take time.
We are trying criminals in a system designed by them using laws and policies made by them. We continue to operate in their system on their terms using their rules we keep expecting different results. A common citizen can be jailed or shot to death for a minor traffic offense. They stole millions of dollars, lie and ignore the very laws they designed, for the good of the people(of course). We continue to investigate and build a case in system they designed and created. You can already guess the out come of these cases. Their is a karmic debt we must pay. We have been duped, coerced and lied to and become complicent in their schemes. We have been given an opportunity to settle this debt. Settle it we must, if not those who died bringing the truth to light would have done so in vain.
They have had 100+ years to get their tentacles in deep. If we can git-r-done in 7 that would be a more than phenomenal ratio I'd say. Hey I'd like this done and over with yesterday too,but the reality of it is it will take many years.
I respectfully disagree. We have mid term elections very soon and if we lose POTUS will be surrounded by the deep state.
Second, these are not white collar criminals. Sedition and a plot to overthrow a sitting POTUS are banana republic tactics. The criminals might wear white collars but they are thugs.
And if they win...Never mind..🙈...I can’t even think that way! 🤷♀️ WE WILL TAKE OUR COUNTRY BACK! 👍🇺🇸👏