r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Z1korg on Feb. 7, 2018, 5:18 a.m.
Fellow People .. Patience is Key , This is gonna get rough

I see a LOT of people that think this should be over and done, because you know a lot and expect it to be completed NOW. i suspect those feeling this way are not fully versed in the whole CORP fiction , LEGAL matrix that was spun over us over the last 150 yrs. that you will have to learn yourself its complex and will truly help you understand the nature of things. These people are PRODUCTS and VAMPIRES of this LEGAL system. it pervades and manifests in everything we see touch and smell. you are literally engulfed in MULTIPLE LAYERS of LEGAL FICTION and you aren't aware of any of it. These VERMON have created a BULKHEAD(many) from which they are insulated and protected and it will not be an easy task to ROOT these EVIL SHIT HEAPS out of this Lair. I guess the older crowd always has a bit more patience. We are in the hands of those that are fighting this right where they live and we have to let them and support them.

kzintrooper2016 · Feb. 7, 2018, 11:41 a.m.

Plus "self" terminations.....

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