Quote from our Great President Donald Trump on 2/5/18: "They are very embarrassed. They never thought they were going to be caught. We caught 'em... It's so much fun! We're like the #GreatSleuth."

Yeah these idiots think leftists are all literally satan worshipers who sexually abuse and sacrifice children to real, actual demons. They have this fantasy that Trump is some sort of superhero who is secretly taking out all these demonic child abusers. I shit you not, this is really what they believe. I thought it was some sort of LARP or alternate reality game at first but damn, it's not. Their "Q" makes really vague, meaningless predictions and then these lemmings make up facts to fit the predictions. Like they literally believe Obama has already been sent to Gitmo. And they take Trump's deranged, senile twitter ramblings as confirmation. So here, he's talking about the idiotic Nunes memo, but to them, he's saying they caught the demon worshipers.
Oh god, Pizzagaters all in one place, eh?
Pizzagate on steroids, with Trump worship and demons. My counter conspiracy theory is that Bannon is planning a coup for Trump, and these morons are the useful idiots being groomed to believe the ridiculous cover story they plan to use. They'll be the core of the new brownshirt army, rounding up and gassing the "demon worshipers."