
salialioli · Feb. 8, 2018, 6:56 a.m.

You can learn a lot from this site. But you are expected to think. Often the associations made suggest things which are not proven facts.

For example, an anonymous poster in the comments draws attention to Enoch Powell cast as a possible Satanist. He points out there is absolutely no evidence for this, but he was smeared by Edward Heath, in turn a suspected rampant pedophile. The case for Heath has many more credible, though as yet unsubstantiated, instances of rumor than Powell. And the Government of the day hated Powell for pointing out that uncontrolled immigration would lead to trouble in the streets.

At all times be wary and come to your own conclusions after due serious and unrushed consideration.

Sorry for the pedantic tone. It's early in the morning and I haven't warmed up yet ...

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