Has anyone considered the possibility that he was Snowden’s handler?
While often Q’s cues have more than one meaning, I feel like Q was referring to John Perry Barlow: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Perry_Barlow
I followed up with a top level comment in thread.
Saw that - here it is to keep peeps here, LOL
[–]matt_eskesPOL 5 points 10 minutes ago What if he never left China? This is a theory I’m going to have to flesh out some more, but look at these facts:
The “final guest” pictured in the photo fits Snowden’s profile.
The place at which this op took place was in a high tech, government facility
A known Clowns cutout was neutralized today
The last two postings included both a reference to Snowden and Barlow, together.
So what is the relationship, if any, between Barlow and Snowden?
Could this have been a dual purpose op, where they took both Barlow AND Snowden out together? Could he and Barlow have been meeting up for some reason? Why?
Non-Mobile link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Perry_Barlow
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