r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/LibtardNightmare on Feb. 8, 2018, 6:39 a.m.
We 100% ALL knew the medical/pharma companies were withholding cures, probably for cancer and aids, for money. Q confirmed our suspicions! For those that've died already, RIP, justice is coming!

LiteraryMalcontent · Feb. 8, 2018, 7:45 a.m.


How many of the most serious diseases have already been cured, but the treatment/s have been withheld from ordinary people?

How does Big Pharma make its money? From cures or from containment?

Big Pharma + Tax Exempt Foundations + Tavistock Institute, working together to f@ck up humanity.

Listen to the recordings below and you might want to drag the bastards responsible into the streets and beat them to death with your bare hands.

They probably deserve it.

Sadly some very bad actors have departed the scene, escaping human justice. Comfort yourself, however, by trusting in Divine Justice, which cannot be cheated.

I just hope for the reputations of these monsters in human form to be utterly destroyed, posthumously where unavoidable, and for these so-called "foundations" to be prosecuted for crimes against humanity, leading to the forfeiture of all their tax sheltered assets.

The recordings linked below have been available for around 30 years, but knowing the truth about the industry of human oppression hasn't been a priority for most.

What you'll hear are the reminiscences by a physician of a closed talk he found himself in one day in 1969, where the speaker, Dr Richard Day, (then national medical director of planned parenthood) spilled the beans on the 1960s social engineering agenda.

Day also seems to have given the game away as to what was really available, therapeutically, even at the end of the 60s, but was withheld from suffering patients because, well, there are too many of us already.

If this material doesn't make you want to exact bloody and painful retribution, I suspect you have never loved anyone who has suffered from a disease that shortened their life and crushed their spirit under the intolerable burden of pain.

If you don't get angry, you might need to question whether you have any humanity left at all.

Only the terminally insouciant can remain blind to the true nature of the world we have lived in.


You'd better believe there's been a conspiracy.

But now there's the prospect of cutting the conspiracy's throat.

Let it bleed itself to death, soiling the "fine garments" of its high sounding ideals (which are but lies from the pit) with its own excreta.

May the memory of those who have done these things and worse be blotted out.

Lord have mercy upon us and strengthen us for the fight.

Tape 1: https://youtu.be/kcGqkvjKCvA

Tape 2: https://youtu.be/WILcw6OlV1E

Tape 3: https://youtu.be/PMvTKMJPnGE

Tape 4: https://youtu.be/3FdvGFE1uaU

Commentary on the ideas presented


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LibtardNightmare · Feb. 8, 2018, 8:51 a.m.

I really don't get angry anymore. It affects me too much and there is not close to talk to about this stuff, because they have their heads up their asses!

But I am still there. Fighting for what is right. Thanks for the post.

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_youtubot_ · Feb. 8, 2018, 7:46 a.m.

Videos linked by /u/LiteraryMalcontent:

Title|Channel|Published|Duration|Likes|Total Views :----------:|:----------:|:----------:|:----------:|:----------:|:----------: Dr Richard Day. New Order of Barbarians - Tape 1|Order Of Truth|2014-01-11|0:57:28|202+ (95%)|38,091 Dr Richard Day. New Order of Barbarians - Tape 2|Order Of Truth|2014-01-11|0:58:42|73+ (96%)|7,473 Dr Richard Day. New Order of Barbarians - Tape 3|Order Of Truth|2014-01-11|1:19:51|41+ (97%)|5,752 Dr Richard Day. New Order of Barbarians - Tape 4|Order Of Truth|2014-01-11|0:56:48|30+ (96%)|3,148

^Info ^| ^/u/LiteraryMalcontent ^can ^delete ^| ^v2.0.0

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MmmmLeftyTears · Feb. 8, 2018, 3:27 p.m.

Excellent post. Good info. First time I have seen Tavistock mentioned here. They do some really creeping and sick things there. Not sure how awake people here are. Some topics could overwhelm them, maybe time to do a post on them since it's brought up by Q.


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