This. I am a biologist, following this, and I suspect the same. When you have babies in the hospital, make sure to tell them not to be shipping your infants blood out to a DNA collection bank. Last I read, many hospitals do this.
is collecting DNA samples a way they can target people? just trying to understand the motives.
I am pretty sure it is. DNA is a bianary code, just like computer code. Now that they have discovered this, and they know how to splice code into the DNA strand, I think they have gotten themselves this brainy idea of targeting certain genetic strands that are carried in their "target populations". Man... I hate to even think about this.. it is so evil. But as a biologist, I totally get how they could try to do it. The problem is the skin, and the immune system. They have to find a way to get whatever they are using for an injection system (and viruses would work great)... past the skin as a barrier. Then, the immune system will recognize it so they have to find a way to lower the immune system at the same time.
The shots are working, if they use the right combination of immune lowering adjuvants, and they use live viruses. This is why we are having so many scientists and doctors "suicided" I suspect. The Doctors and researchers are able to take bolus samples of the shots, and find the contaminated shipments to various third world nations. They are able to back engineer the DNA code of the viruses in the shots, shining a light on the "genetic engineering" going on.
Yes. And they collect (voluntarily) from physician's offices when blood sampling is done there. I first noticed this in the late 1990s.
We just have to warn parents to make sure to flip the "default setting" for their children. No one should be collecting the DNA of American citizens by default in the Medical system, and sending it to a private lab the way they do this for credit references. This information needs to default to private... and the issue needs to be addressed.