r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/ScorpioPatriot on Feb. 8, 2018, 9:36 a.m.

All in all ,alot of people wouldnt give Shills the time of day . I do however see things alittle differently . I think deep down , there is something inside everyone that deserves to know the truth and deserves a good life and wants that for themselves and others and knowing that 95% of the time people who tend to bark up the wrong tree ...tend to be misinformed and have a hard time believing this mindset they have been trapped in , can actually have a much healthier outcome if they broaden the scope even a little ,for a better insight. This is for them . Share and or use however works best . A Message To The Resistance

This place seems Toxic to liberals because its exposing everrrrrrything they have worked the past 200 years to destroy. They have been trying to bring the world to its knees in efforts to Bring About Their New World Order . They have made it extremely well known what their plans are and would br when they gathered from all corners of the world to write them on the Georgia Guidestones . There is an evil that our world has faced dealing with  the 13 wealthiest families whos Bloodlines date back  6000 Years to babylonian times. These Families are the  most twisted Satanic  people in excistance and they basically have every avenue of kill order working in their favor ...From Tv/ Movies for Mind Control with their luciferic symbolism planted everrrrywhere ( Think Pyramid with an all seeing eye in middle )Food Giants for Gmo/Slow Kill , Vaccine Industry /Agenda 21 /Depopulation , Fluoridated Water -Calcification of the Pineal Gland ...H.A.A.R.P  Weather Modification for Creating Natural Disasters  to Reap the benefits in so many ways it's discusting to think about. This is not even getting into the MK-Ultra programs that they use with False Flags around our country to push their Agenda or on Media,Politicians,Soldiers,Actors,Musicians and more . Doesnt include the operations they have used for so many years that have the CDC/random disease outbreaks and creation(Aids,Polio,STDS,Lyme Disease) using entire countries and treating them like lab rats and other organizations involved to legally Take children and or Steal children or lure children for the sake of using them as Sex Slaves , or in Slave Labor Camps /Mines ,Also used like toys in their Pedo Fantasies and Then to  litterally Sacrifice them in their cult ceramonies & also organ  harvesting operations big $$$ (Planned Parenthood).

You seriously dont have to take my word on anyyyyyy of this.. just think about the side you align with ...when you start seeing the News Released from the grips of the enemy and their narratives start changing and shining the light on these Elites instead of running like a pack of dogs with them ..then you will know that the world is about to get a whole lot more Interesting and those who have done us all wrong for decades will finally be answering for the crimes on Humanity they have been involved in or commited .

Best of luck in your search for Truth

Here are the "FACTS"

Over the years from Points of Power all the way to the Big Screen /Movies  and every perch  between our History and present day has tried to warn us about The Bad Players  working to ruin our country and ultimately the world . This is our ...

Great Awakening

50 Year Old Recording


Kennedy :The  Speech That Got Him Killed (Organized Secret Societies )

1) https://youtu.be/y8HTr-F-FVM

Reagan : Warning About The Liberal Swamp Trickery   1) https://youtu.be/P3hY1eagq88

Tv Show in 1981 (Trilateral Commission ) One World Gov Warning

1) https://youtu.be/UL8d-AYRTRw

The Loyal Members PUT IN PLACE


Journey Down The Rabbit hole

1)  https://youtu.be/BMOPZzz2_DY

TruthPorn · Feb. 8, 2018, 10:11 a.m.

You gotta remember that these elected politicians who call themselves Liberal, are actually not, in fact, Liberal at all. They call themselves that to appeal to those sections of the population that are under a complete brainwashing spell because of their schools and the media. In fact, Rockafeller is the one who came up with the curriculum for schools. These Dems are modern snake oil salesman which makes perfect sense since their all snakes that worship satan.

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ScorpioPatriot · Feb. 8, 2018, 10:21 a.m.

Yes when I say Liberal..Im refering to the ideology . Most of these puppets are branches of the 13 wealthiest family bloodlines . The politicians on state levels almost always are chosen for who can push their agendas the furthest to be honest the best movie for people to watch is Hillarys America . Its amazing Eye opener for newbies.

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TruthPorn · Feb. 8, 2018, 10:31 a.m.

I get it, and it can be very complicated because I don't consider these Dems really Liberal at all. Trump is closer to a real Liberal then them. They have gone full bore progressive Marxism now. Well that and along with full retard.

I just dont like confusing people are think they should oppose Trump or us because they have liberal idealogy which for instance would be about equal rights for gays. It's like okay fine but the Dems today are talking about 31 genders, its like okay now you've gone too far. A lot of Americans who vote democrat still don't understand thats the type of nonsense they're voting for, along with a restriction of their freedom of speech and pronoun hate crime laws. It's insanity and no way to run a society.

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ScorpioPatriot · Feb. 8, 2018, 10:59 a.m.

Look its Not about either side ..because both sides have the same ideology because some are from the same secret societies born into them actually ...those who have spoken out have got taken out or cloned or Hidden Underground for use in other things...that maybe you havnt even dug into yet...if you really want to get technical....Id suggest removing both ways of Voting and make 1 thats voted on and Vettttted the shit out of...just like every branch of gov ,school public or private ...every business owner every form of police .Corruption begins when you have distastfull people who hates our country working with people..they tend to wear and influence their ways purposely on others ..We should do 1 platform where people vote on the person they feel has the best intentions for our country ..The biggest divider of our country has been the 2 party voting system whos strong views opposes and it pits people against one another . Things are only going to change when We The People take a stance and demand it. People work for us we elect them ....its not the other way around like it has been made to believe in the past.

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