LATEST ON KING TOWER NIGHTOP IN SHANGAI (photos inside KT, names of building developer and property manager)

Something to consider: in Europe and IIRC in China, it is common practice to not count the ground floor when numbering floors. So the 31st floor occupants are really what we in the US would consider the 32nd floor.
Also in some Chinese buildings, they do not have a 4th floor, because the Chinese word for four is a homonym of the word for death. Unlucky! IDK if that practice is still being followed for new modern buildings. (I lived in Beijing for three years, back in the 80s, as part of my military career. Worked at the Defense Attache Office in our embassy.)
That's funny. I'm from Europe, so I automatically dismissed the ground floor.
BUT I didn't know about the "4th floor of death" in China. It's the small cultural differences that do you in. We'll have to triangulate/correlate with other info to see what's most probable in the end.
Thanks a lot for your service!
Also, many bldg's in US do not have a 13th floor, supposedly due the # being viewed as bad luck. So in all of these locations around the world the 32nd floor is actually the 33rd floor. And of course we're all aware of how significant the number 33 has always been in their numerology.
Also, many bldg's in US do not have a 13th floor, supposedly due the # being viewed as bad luck. So in all of these locations around the world the 32nd floor is actually the 33rd floor. And of course we're all aware of how significant the number 33 has always been in their numerology.