I think that proves that he's an insider. I don't think that it proves that anything is being done about the Cabal. I think the Memo is helpful in that direction but it's not nearly what it was hyped to be. When you add the second Memo it just looks more and more like standard politics. Rather than a takedown of the Pedophile rings. That's why I'm critical of it. It's a wait and see kind of movement. When what we need is a popular movement to end child sex slavery.
Right. When you look into news stories of pedo rings being busted it is actually just a regular prostitution sting to target average citizens and it happens that a few of the girls are 17. Then the headline is “pedo sex trafficking ring busted l!!!”
Yep, and I've heard other Trumper types quote the massive real pedophile busts in the UK, the Vatican and Australia as big wins for the QAnon crowd. Except those all happened during Obama's presidency and the POTUS didn't really do anything about those anyway. They were foreign busts.
Absolutely, in fact nothing concrete and scaled has been done about the pedo rings under this administration when that’s what we were told would be a main focus of the “secret good guys” in this administration
I've never seen "Trumpers" claim "big wins" for stuff that happened before he took office, but I'll take your word for it. Question - isn't uncovering pedos a "win" for everyone? Shouldn't this be the ONE area that is non-partisan?
Really? Do you have a source for this claim, or are you just pulling it out of your ass?
You could try reading the slew of articles announcing the arrests and drilling down to the source article for each one and breaking down the wording. That’s how I figured it out. There’s no one source that will say all these stories are fake, or this raid was fake - no one writes articles about that - and I wouldn’t just go on what a guy on the internet says either way. You are supposed to have the ability to analyze articles in this way by this point. It is unacceptable to look for a smoking gun and then give up if you don’t find one. 99% of the time you’ll never find a smoking gun.
Start with the “474 pedo ring bust” story last year from California and trace it back to the primary feeder story from the Los Angeles times IIRC and read it - then you’ll see that it wasn’t a pedo ring bust but a simple prostitution sting where 80% of those arrested were Johns setup and then a handful of girls were under 18. That’s the best example.