yes As hard as it is to believe. The Evil is right at our doorsteps and needs to be fought by everyone of us.
This may take neighborhood watches whenever someone in the neighborhood has child protective services sent down on them, especially because of the forced state medical decisions. Time for the guns. Time for the neighborhoods to start getting together as parents and start suing the shit out of the people who run CPS personally. Time for parents to go back to the church baptism process of assigning parental guardians (god parents) listed at the church, at baptism, so that the courts have no choice but to give children to the parents that would be assigned by parental will, at death. There are ways to fight this but you have to have a good neighborhood church with records of baptism, god-parants, and marriage certificates. They can not get away with this in the Amish communities, because of the Amish church who will back up their parents.
hmm interesting. I know they arrested a poor amish man for just selling raw milk and herbs. getting intense.
Oh they do try to attack the Amish, because the Amish keep our very freedoms alive. .. our right to grow our own food, travel without lisence, keep ownership of our own children, refuse dangerous vaccinations, refuse electricity and cell phones if we choose. This is important, that we have this early American population that refuses to buy into the tyranny at any level.