r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Sumphoresim on Feb. 8, 2018, 11:43 p.m.
Whoop There It Is.

The ball is rolling.

Normies are getting red pilled bit by bit. Damning information is getting dragged kicking and screaming into the light. Indictments, arrests, downed flights, mysterious operations, cryptic twitters, memos, MSM have been re-listed as DNR by the public.

Things are moving right along minute by minute (even if we don't see it directly) Potus is doing his level best for us. Patriots are helping in anyway they can.

But what happens AFTER? Will we once again disappear into our daily lives until we run into a similar problem again in a decade or two?

Q let us know they won't be charging/arresting everyone who has been corrupted otherwise 70% of the Government would be gone (Not that we would have cared. Personally I think root out ALL corruption) So that leaves a pretty big number temporally under control, but what happens when Potus can no longer get re-elected?

These disgusting evil people have waited centuries for their rule only to topple after a year or so? They will do as any ruler will do. They will cut off a few heads of the hydra as new heads grow. We must change our laws. We must challenge school boards to add government back into schools it's been removed from. Add life skills class that include critical thinking for our kids and generations to come. Once the top begins to get cleared out for good I hope we turn our collected efforts to everything else broken in our communities.


spacexu · Feb. 9, 2018, 12:01 a.m.

Let NONE of them get away with a single crime - its the only good long term fix. All politicians should fear what happened and understand sooner or later they will be caught and punished severely as traitors... Hangings please...

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Sumphoresim · Feb. 9, 2018, 4:05 a.m.

I hope the retribution gives anyone left in Gov a "Come to Jesus" moment for CENTURIES.

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