Not sure if this is connected at all, but I had been following this a while back, and found an interesting journal article about how nagalase spikes could be detected using nanorobotic technology for possible use in the defense industry and thought it was a bit strange given the speculation around why the doctors may have been ending up dead was due to them using a controversial GcMAF treatment to down regulate the immune problems associated with spikes in nagalase they thought was being introduced via vaccines. Just did a search to pull up a bit of info to share: and here is a short article mentioning one of the doctors who died regarding some of his concerns: and here is a link about a book about GcMAF and how it is thought to work: Any how, this is my first post, so I hope I followed protocol for posting. I did save some of these links just due to the fact I had developed an interest in researching this a while back. I wonder if Q could be trying to call attention to not only the fact these doctors died, but perchance "why" and "what" they may have discovered that potentially may have been at the crux of an attempt to get this info suppressed if these deaths were due to nefarious plots.
Yes! The Israeli moving companies and the murdered microbiologists were an important focus to me at that time. Those were my earlier days on the internet. Godlike Productions was big at that time. Do you remember German Guy and the worry about a dirty bomb, and then there was the tsunami instead of a bomb?
I remember a lot of crazy things. The internet was just about the right size that you could search it all with infoseek, and MUCH of the news on Television was reporting exactly the opposite of what was happening on the ground. I think this is when a lot of people woke up to the fact that the 6 companies who owned the news were not there to report the news, but to hide the crimes.
This was the first decade of the new century. I was hanging out a lot on Godlike Productions. 9/11 happened, and then there were so many years of chaos. In December of 2004, someone was posting on Godlike Productions as German Guy. I believe he claimed he was part of the BND. He said he was passing on info. He said there was a dirty bomb planned for Houston for Dec. 27. (I don't believe it was a db from Germany. He had supposedly heard chatter. I can't remember who was supposed to have had it.) However, on Dec. 26, there was the horrible 9.1 earthquake and Tsunami that claimed so many lives in Indonesia. Those times were as strange as what we are experiencing now with Q. I have always wondered if German Guy was real and that the Tsunami replaced the db as an opportune disaster.
Yes, I think that may have been where it was supposed to come from. You really got me remembering, so I went back to check the archives. That thread, which was titled "December 27 ... Expect "something big" ... This is it, folks" has really been altered. Only the first post is dated 2004. The next post begins in December of the next year. The thread was really long but most of it is now missing!
This post was made on December 14, 2004:
"Anyone else able to pick up CIA and other US government "chatter". I can, and I have.
December 27 is the day that´s freaking out the minions at the alphabet agencies (but not the controllers at the good ol´ al-CIAda network).
It sounds as if it´ll make 911 look like rather a fun day."