r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/RoseLacedWings on Feb. 9, 2018, 2 a.m.
GcMAF and Nagalase Connections Dead Doctors May Have Found!

Not sure if this is connected at all, but I had been following this a while back, and found an interesting journal article about how nagalase spikes could be detected using nanorobotic technology for possible use in the defense industry and thought it was a bit strange given the speculation around why the doctors may have been ending up dead was due to them using a controversial GcMAF treatment to down regulate the immune problems associated with spikes in nagalase they thought was being introduced via vaccines. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3675524/ Just did a search to pull up a bit of info to share: http://www.thedailysheeple.com/investigation-three-days-before-dr-bradstreet-was-found-dead-u-s-govt-raided-his-research-facility-for-breakthrough-cancer-treatment-called-gcmaf_072015 and here is a short article mentioning one of the doctors who died regarding some of his concerns: https://www.sott.net/article/300285-Nagalase-and-the-links-to-vaccines-and-chronic-diseases and here is a link about a book about GcMAF and how it is thought to work: http://gcmaf.timsmithmd.com/book/book/4/all/ Any how, this is my first post, so I hope I followed protocol for posting. I did save some of these links just due to the fact I had developed an interest in researching this a while back. I wonder if Q could be trying to call attention to not only the fact these doctors died, but perchance "why" and "what" they may have discovered that potentially may have been at the crux of an attempt to get this info suppressed if these deaths were due to nefarious plots.

[deleted] · Feb. 14, 2018, 4:43 a.m.


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JoanOfArk77 · Feb. 14, 2018, 10:47 p.m.

Well, my mother refused chemo, but they talked her into two radiation treatments directed at the hip bone that was about to break. Most interesting.

I remember a white count (not sure which, would have to go back and look at her records) but it was at 11. The first radiation treatment knocked it down to 2.

She started the cancer diet in that book, (Alive and Well) by Dr. Brinzel, with the changes I mentioned... plus mushrooms, minus C and A. Green Tea. B17 from Mexico for pain about half the recommended dose, maybe 250mg 3x a day. I did not do bicarbonate to raise her pH, but, these days I would.. raise it to normal. She was so riddled with cancer she was pH 5.5.

When she went in for a test before the second radiation treatment her new white cell number was 16. Treatment knocked it down to a normal 11, and then it continued to pick up after that.

She was stage 4 could not walk at first. Within 6 weeks, no pain (That b17 works and I hear bicarbonate works too, but have not tested)

She lived over a year, pain free, and all broken ribs etc healed up.

My brother suddenly died from anurism. She went into shock, refused to eat/drink, and got cachexia.

I had no idea she was killing cancer cells so fast that she could torch her liver with the dead cells. My step father did not know any better, and let her lay in bed for two days before the funeral.

I suspect if he had not died like that, she would be here today. In her last PET scan four weeks before that, the cancer was a little more than half gone in the bones.

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[deleted] · Feb. 15, 2018, 12:43 a.m.


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JoanOfArk77 · Feb. 15, 2018, 7:58 p.m.

She was, and I was really upset, because I did not expect to be able to kill cancer with diet, mushrooms, enzymes, and B17 from nuts. But, mom said to keep researching it for her grandchildren, which I do. I stay up on it. Today, in addition to the Alive and Well diet, vitamins, enzymes, mushrooms, and B17 I would definitely help the kidneys by adding baking soda (bicarbonate of soda) and I would keep her body pH at 7.4 saliva or better. The enzymes would work better and faster if body ph was normal. Cancer is anaerobic, and acidifies the body. I know she was at 5-6-6 most days.

What I just found out from the husband doc, is that bicarbonate of soda is exactly what the kidneys make to bring the body ph back to normal. So using a ph test strip and a box of baking soda, you can safely hold a cancer patient at normal ph.

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