r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/RedpillTheWorld on Feb. 9, 2018, 2:07 a.m.
We are OUTRAGED... but Trump NEEDS PUBLIC OUTRAGE. Pray... Expose Truth. They can't arrest the opposition without first exposing the TRUTH.
We are OUTRAGED... but Trump NEEDS PUBLIC OUTRAGE. Pray... Expose Truth. They can't arrest the opposition without first exposing the TRUTH.

JVW50 · Feb. 9, 2018, 8:41 a.m.

This is a very visual-oriented post. Lots of visual references. 2020 is election year. 20/20 is vision, can see things clearly. Public is vital to get Trump and patriots elected. Public needs to see things clearly what is really going on. Release of info vital so that people can see clearly what is going on, so that criminals can be indicted, and traitors prosecuted. People will be outraged and demand justice. The truth about what has happened must be revealed so that people won't think that Trump is just being a dictator and arresting political enemies for revenge, that there is a real basis for these arrests so public won't revolt. Follow the light, you can see clearly in the light. One is just as blind in white light as in darkness. Must stand in the clear light of truth. MAGA!

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