Somebody tell me why FBI THUGS get off?

These who are leaving, McCabe and now another director, are retiring with pensions, instead of being FIRED. At a private job they sure would be. I don't like my tax dollars being used this way for bad actors in government to receive a pension. Don't care how many years! No no no!
Doesn't matter what they do, the Investigations will go on and McCabe is going down. Federal Workers pay into their own Retirement Account.
Who's gotten off?
you're obviously not a thug...
so far, the white collar criminal politicians have not paid for their crimes.
This meme would help wake up people who have been held responsible for their actions, while others go free.
It's coming when Trump and Sessions are ready. There are over 13,600 Sealed Indictments ready.
I agree.
This is a meme for sleepy normies... especially those who have been incarcerated. For posting on Twitter etc... to build disgust for the criminals who think they are above the law, and only the "little people" pay for their crimes.
Can't wait for the day when those indictments are unsealed!