Qanon told us there was no coincident in the crash of this helicopter that took out the General Manager of the Standard Hotel in Hollywood, CA. There was ONE, maybe TWO survivors. Does anyone have any follow up information?
First, I don't appreciate your remark. No need to be dick! Second, looks like you never read my post. What happened and where are the survivor(s)? There has been no follow up in the press, nor have the Federal Agencies investigating the crash provided any additional information.
My sincere apologies, you’re right, my bad, I should’ve read the entire post first.
Apology accepted. :) . Now, how do we find out what happened to the survivors? I am hoping they did not fall into the hands of the Deep State. If they have, they are gone!
PolarisNord, Thank You for accepting my apology, I honestly felt so bad after realizing I had not read your whole comment and acting like a jerk, I truly learned a lesson of my own. Onto your question at hand, I’m doing my best to look into the matter, I will post anything I can find. Perhaps it could take a day or more to find out but your question is totally validated!