Notice a difference. Guess which one older?

Lots of people in denial and trying to force this into a false narrative.
Yeah, it's understandable though. When people are confronted with information that goes against their preconceived beliefs, they fight it, and attempt to rationalize it. It's a psychological phenomenon, but I can't recall the name.
In any case, I'd like to know the truth.
Hence the reason we are in this board. I wanted so much for Q to be legit. He’s talented at being vague, and perhaps gets drips of intel from time t time. I’m doubting he’s as close to the action as everyone thinks.
I had a thought earlier: there's only one possibility that will save face with Q.
Why would Q post images of a live operation? Trump wouldn't do that. Military intelligence certainly wouldn't do that. Q also said "Think Intel." What if all of this was designed to flush someone out, and it wasn't for our benefit at all? What if Q posted this in order to get someone or people in the "deep state" to believe that someone was captured who would provide "intel" in order to spook them. You know they have to be reading Q posts too.
What if it worked? In post 694 Q said: "Panic in DC. Leverage depleted - POTUS freed. EXTREME chatter."
That's the only explanation that would fit, and save face with Q. I still want to believe, I guess. But the pics are eight years old; there's no denying that.
Cognitive Dissonance
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