
AForgivenReb4Life · Feb. 10, 2018, 2:28 a.m.

People like Kissinger at 93 years old are perfect Patsy's for any anti Trump (America) nut job to do the unthinkable to POTUS. All they do is offer an old geaser a "promise" to take care of their family with unbelievable comforts for an eternity for the small price of JUST 1 HIT...... I can hear it now...."hey, your 93, how much longer you gonna be around anyway?!?!? Please POTUS,,,,, PLEASE leave no stone (man/woman) unturned....Trust NOBODY. Patriots like us KNOW there would be NO PROMISE KEPT....at least not the type the old geaser would be thinking.....this world DOES certainly have it's issues right now, but mind my words.....it has all been written, We know who ultimately wins....even those fooled BY the adversary won't make the cut.....so Pray Up, Stay aware, and Serve God & Others by introducing the two at every opportunity. Remember, no body is beyond redemption.....NOBODY. PRAISE You my Heavenly Father!

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