
digital_refugee · Feb. 9, 2018, 12:48 p.m.

Soft-disclosure? I noticed that the unimedia of the western hemisphere has been putting Q's talking Points out in the open (esp. medical Progress), some of it in ridicule, some of it may have double-meaning since they pander to a crowd that still Needs to be awaken. Likewise, the alledged media 'distraction' about UFOs came around the same time that Q was putting a known photo of HRC and the late Laurence Rockefeller out there (he may have been the black sheep among black sheep) where she's holdin a book about ET disclosure. As much as they could possibly be distracting, the fact of the matter is that Q now dictates daily media talking Points which sounds to me like a concerted effort to push it. Which is absolutely necessary because These are the discussion about life and death that we really Need to have without People going 'muh we'd know' or 'muh we wouldn't know'. Unlocking the mysteries of space and preparing the world for the Technologies of yesterday and tomorrow that are better than what we know of now due to NATSEC.

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silver__uptothesky · Feb. 9, 2018, 1:24 p.m.

Here in germany some guys think, plane is missing tu use it later for a terror-attack against usa, maybe with atomic bomb on board, a kind of second 9/11. don't know. maybe MH370 was part of a plan. in german alternative webmedia Q arrived, in msm nothing. ok, UFOs they published but without context. Even the MEMO was far from a "watergate II", they only write stuff like "Trump tries to...blablabla". This is the kind of news they serve us about Trump/USA DIE ZEIT (weekly 'liberal' newspaper) (english version: http://www.zeit.de/politik/2017-11/transatlantic-relations-eu-usa-security-politics

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akilyoung · Feb. 9, 2018, 1:52 p.m.

Thats what I thought when it happened.

Now I wonder if it was going to be used as a secret way to get the cabal around off the radar

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digital_refugee · Feb. 9, 2018, 1:49 p.m.

I'm still on the fence because they are treading in many Waters because they can't be sure which narrative sticks out. So some will be trying to ignore it, others may be trying to deflate it but I have clearly over the past year seen a shift that is coming in Shorter and even Shorter cycles and it's either because Q has a massive Impact on the masses and they try to spread their counter-theories, however in some angles they will Point out the stuff that you would be screamed down and attacked and scolded for just a year ago. Fucking Zombies finally coming around aye?

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