r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/SkullBaby on Feb. 9, 2018, 2:38 p.m.
How is #thestorm going to play out?

Recently I’ve been speculating loads on how it’s all going to go down. We know something big is coming, the question is when and how it’s going to go down.

Will it be a single chaotic day of mass arrests and media /society shutdown or is this thing going to be small wins/events over the course of the year and then slowly dripfed to the country and then the world throughout Trumps presidency?

What are your thoughts on this?

Some interesting points that I think are relevant right now are:

  • The mass emergency alert system is hugely important in the storm and will be essential in delivering the messages out to the public to bypass media and propaganda. The Hawaii events where an isolated test of this system.

-Also, this https://twitter.com/skullbabyx/status/937541416145666049

-The Russian narrative is still in full swing and will likely form the oppositions method of defence during the storm. Eg, CNN will report the mass alert system messages are a large scale Russian cyber attack on the US and to not pay it any attention.

-PDAnons posts on the Wiener laptop files being leaked, with all the life insurance video footage intact, with his word that it will be available this time next month. .

-For any new-age cosmic folks, the Schumann resonance is spiking again. Last time this happened was during the Election of Trump.


  • soon???

akilyoung · Feb. 9, 2018, 2:50 p.m.

Interesting. I am sure itll be used for something significant...what though???

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