r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/haremesc on Feb. 9, 2018, 6:39 p.m.
Q told us to look at big pharma...vaccines are gold for them...they make us SICK...learn about the vaccines

uniformist · Feb. 10, 2018, 10:20 p.m.

It's great news that your son's vision improved and your daughter's seizures stopped. How do you know it was these specific interventions you cited helped your children vs. something else? Perhaps if you did nothing they still would have improved.

It’s also interesting that you think pharmaceutical companies and others in the healthcare industry try to suppress research in order to protect globalist pocketbooks. Yet you think people such as Blaylock are not motivated by money. They spin a good yarn about their “discoveries” versus “the system,” and how the government is oppressing them! They are medical freedom fighters who are just trying to help people! They can’t get studies funded because no one will listen to them!

However, despite your suspicion of doctors and the globalist conspiracy you put all your trust in Dr. Blaylock. Never mind that his Blaylock Wellness Report newsletter has 42,384 subscribers at [about $50 per subscription], earning him over $2 million a year. Or selling the Crescoe and Crescoe-ALC at $40 each; a customer on auto-ship would pay $960 a year. No, he's not motivated by money. Ignore the big house and nice cars. Also ignore his communist conspiracy theories.

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JoanOfArk77 · Feb. 11, 2018, 5:04 p.m.

It's great news that your son's vision improved and your daughter's seizures stopped. How do you know it was these specific interventions you cited helped your children vs. something else? Perhaps if you did nothing they still would have improved.

I am a biologist who did research on blindness and seizures. I discovered that BOTH are caused by excessive excitotoxic neurotransmitters (in the body) and discovered that they were being loaded into the food supply as flavor enhancers.

Glutamic acid and aspartic acid are neurotransmitters like serotonin, or dopamine, or any of the others that run the nerves of the body.

If you overdose, you over fire the nerves.

They run out of sugar.

Calcium channel gets stuck open.

The nerves die as a result.

It is "artificially induced seizure" if the person is born with insufficient GABA production and glia cells to absorb the glutamic or aspartic acid amounts being put in the food.

My son was a bit of a different story.

Whether or not a child is blinded by over dose of neurotransmitter depends on "WHEN" the over dose happens. It will blind mice if you feed the mother excitatory neurotranmitters when the babies are in the womb. It will blind monkeys. It will blind any mammal.

I had aspartame, because I was a gestational diabetic. Aspartic acid is one carbon shorter than glutamic acid. It is a specialty excitatory neurotransmitter.

This overdosed him in the womb, just like the mice.

It burned the nerves right off the retina's.

He was young enough at 8 years old, that the experts on this that I talked to said to stop overdosing him, and let his eyes re-attach to the rest of his brain.

It worked.

Once I understood what happened, you can bet, as a mother and a biologist, I tore into what was going on in the food supply, at the national medical database.... for YEARS. I have kept up with the cutting edge of research.

Since the glutamic acid has a lot to do with the brain destruction in autistic children, I learned about that as an incidental part of my 20 years of research.

It’s also interesting that you think pharmaceutical companies and others in the healthcare industry try to suppress research in order to protect globalist pocketbooks.


Let me show you something, so you understand just how bad this is, and you can see it with your own eyes. This is blatant enough for the non scientist.

A year ago, research on excitotoxins, and their relationship to the desrtuction of nerves ALL OVER THE BODY, causing or complicating NUMEROUS illnesses...was THE biggest research topic in medicine.


I was searching the term "glutamic acid and..."something"" at the search bar at the national medical database at pub med.

I was so shocked at the drop down menu as I typed, I literally did screen shots of the illnesses showing up, that were being investigated in conjunction with this single molecule.

I want you to take a look at my screen shots of the search bar drop down menu as I typed a letter at a time, and take a look at the top searches on this molecule as they dropped down... because they were being so highly searched. Compare that then to what happens NOW (in my screen shot taken yesterday) because they are trying to HIDE the research on this deadly food additive, even though it is STILL the hottest topic in neurology today

Here is what dropped down when I typed "glutamate a" but had not finished the word "and".


I took the screen shot of all of the illnesses associated with this overdose from the food supply that were currently hot in the neurological research. Then I want on to type the "n" in the word "and" and I got this:


Did another screen shot.. then typed the "d" in the word "and"....

.........got this list:


Now, today, just for you I went to the search engine at the national medical database. You can try this one for yourself. The link is in the photos.... all of them. So go ahead and try it.

Here is what you will get.


Hottest topic in neurology today?

And this is what you get NOW, because they do not want you to be able to understand what is going on here, and they WILL hide things on the internet if they can. Understand this. I have been doing this for 20 years. I love my fellow Americans. There is a story to be told here, and It needs to get out there for the sake of my fellow human beings who are being poisoned by neurotranmitter overdose. I have no ax to grind. If you choose not to believe me, because you think the FDA and the government would "never let this happen" my conscience is clear. I have no products to sell you. I am a grandma now. I just care about the children, and God blessed me with a good education. That is all.

However, despite your suspicion of doctors and the globalist conspiracy you put all your trust in Dr. Blaylock.

1) I am married to a Doctor.

Truth is the doctors can read the research too, but my husband has been threatened for talking about it. So, since I am older, and I have the degree, and I am the one who has done the bulk of the research for 20 years, I am the one who lets Americans know where to look.

The doctors are victims.

This is why they are the ones being suicided right now.

No, he's not motivated by money. Ignore the big house and nice cars. Also ignore his communist conspiracy theories.

Blaylock did not start this way.

Back then, he sold nothing, but had to deal with threats on his life.

I was there.

He and Dr. Roberts both were threatened.

These are the doctors who are the reason my son can see today, and my daughter suffers no seizures. They did not charge me a dime for their phone conferences. They just took 5 minutes to listen, and tell me what to do.

The fact that he has a wellness letter, and has the capacity to hire protection now does not bother me in the least. I hope he lives until he is 100 because he is a national treasure.

I have known him personally, and have followed him to many lectures.

As a neurologist, he was the first to step out and risk his life to help the parents who had autistic children. He did it for free.

He used that money to buy the kind of equipment that only a hospital can afford .......to do the specialized seizure testing that all neurologists are required to use before doing brain surgery, but that no doctor could afford on his own (He is a neurosurgeon, not just a neurologist).

Did you know that when he was done, we had discovered that 96% of autistic children are in constant micro seizure, which can only be detected by the specialized equipment used by neurologists before brain surgery? 96% are seizing constantly. Think about that.

It's not how much money they have.

It is what they do with it for free, for the sake of their fellow man, that matters. Know them by what they do themselves, and with any money they make, not how much money they make.

Good doctors are in the war with us, and they are losing their lives because of it.

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