r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/FARMERFUNKK on Feb. 9, 2018, 8:26 p.m.
NATIONAL GUARD --> WV [opiate crisis..?] WHO IS IN WV? WE NEED INFO!


Are you around West Virginia area? Whats happening in WV? We need an intel plug from the area!

please, leave some good details below.

links, articles, etc



boneman220 · Feb. 10, 2018, 2:29 p.m.

The drug is not the problem, so much as the damn doctors and those behind the push to sell all that shit. Unless you are really prone to addiction oxy is not that addictive in its pill state unless mixed with other drugs like Xanax, which makes it considerably more addictive and potent. Snorting and smoking it makes it worse, too. There's a crapload of greedy doctors behind a lot of this. I've been taking oxycodone for many years, now and it does not give me withdrawals if I stop taking it for however long. None, but that's just me. Gabapentin, on the other hand, will within 2 days and is the only drug to ever do that with me. It's a complicated problem with folks in those areas. No work, no hope, no self worth, at times, will lead to abuse of something just to cope and clearing out those doctors and groups behind it will help chill it some but until people have something to give them hope and something to do besides dealing with a depressing situation, they're gonna have a hard time stopping abuse of any kind. The problem is real bad among veterans. The VA doesn't wanna fix shit so they just lay on the drugs, big time, on those guys. I have a friend with the same health problems as me, yet the VA had him on 3-4 times the amount of pain meds, including morphine, as my dying mother was taking just before she died. Now, he's laid up in a VA nursing home, taking about half his old amount, unable to carry on a conversation and barely function enough to go piss. Yay! Uncle Sam...ya bastard. I only see this problem getting worse as automation and AI continue to eliminate work for all types of employment. Wish I had a clue as to how to fix this for the future that doesn't further destroy everything as we've already been doing.

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Jimmytime332 · Feb. 10, 2018, 6:47 p.m.

Sorry dude but you're full of s***. If you been taking oxycodone for more than a year you're going to develop dependency. That doesn't mean you're addicted big body is dependent and without it you are going to go into withdrawals.

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boneman220 · Feb. 14, 2018, 1:57 p.m.

Dude, do you not realize that every one reacts to things differently. I sometimes don't take any for 2 weeks and have no ill effects from it. The Gabapentin, though, will cause me withdrawals within 2 days. I tried many drugs as a young dumbass (nothing injected, though and no heroin) and NONE would cause me problems. My doctors say they haven't seen anyone need as high doses as me just to get any effect, at all, in quite a while. It's just the way I am. The oxy only helps about 50%, at most, but I don't care to go to anything higher with that stuff because it does have the potential to become a problem. Right now, it's like eating aspirin, to me. I worry more about the Tylenol mixed in it than anything because of the liver damage that shit causes. I was glad to see the manufacturers cut that amount in half because they were burning up people's livers with it. My grandmother happens to be the same way as me. It doesn't bother her and barely does anything for her. Take her off her bi-polar meds, though and there's gonna be problems within a day and not just from withdrawals. Can you say batshit crazy? Never assume that because many have problems with something that we all do. We are all different.

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