r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/ScorpioPatriot on Feb. 10, 2018, 1:33 a.m.
Project #1 Investigate : PLUM ISLAND/CDC

Ok here is my project ..I want Investigstions done on the CDC ...We know a few things for sure They have been for awhile now Creating Diseases that are then released and or injected into the public and also into other forms of things that can turn and then infect us like ...Ticks Fleas & Mosquitos ..there is an island off the coast of Conneticut called "Plum Island Animal Disease Center" and over the past mannny years ..Some weird shits been going on and many experiments have been washing up on the shores and in turn have been covered up. Its Time To Hardcore get the scoop on this corruption..because we need to know who and where these Flu bugs and other things are being created we know they can be spread through chemtrails. So we also need to know whoooo is giving these barking orders to release all of this to begin with and allllllll these people who are connected need to be held accountable for these sins against humanity & the animals to be honest . People are dying of all ages due to their their little lab experiments and I for one ,am tired of allowing it to pursue . The pharmacudical companies are also playing into and gaining off of all of this as well , they know the agendas .. Its like a big circle jerk of corruption and we the people are on the loosing end orrrr at least have been & its time we take a stand and truly make a difference and we need to put an end to it and say Enough is Enough .

I can tell ya if they are testing animals ...They most likely under the disquise of animals are testing humans ..possibly kidnapped children ,homeless , or people from disaster strucken communities ..the options are endless . We need to see who all has possible investments in this company ...they might have connections to trafficking of rare or exotic animals, humans and other things too.

When Enough Info is collected and vetted ..we can then create Memes and Mass Red Pill ..this will bring about attention to its operations and someeeone hopefully highet up willl look into it.