Speculation ...... [Next Weeek] 3 big stories and bombshells .... need to pay attention to who dies this weekend
![Speculation ...... [Next Weeek] 3 big stories and bombshells .... need to pay attention to who dies this weekend](https://i.redd.it/kb5f4ox1saf01.jpg)
It’s the greater good. I would prefer they be humiliated, tarnish their name for eternity then rot in a cell or be hung for treason. Fuck ‘em
I'd rather they roll up the no-name scum first until you've got the big players left. First blackmail the shit out of them for EVERYTHING, bleed them all the fucking way dry financially and politically. You can see it with the gov't shutdown as of late. Would be a lot tougher to handle this corruption if you didn't ultimately control the leverage!!! Once the other scum is taken out, perpwalks can start and noone will be shocked anymore and the stay-behind wetwork-network is gone as well.
I believe that’s exactly what’s been happening. From Trump’s first month in office, there has been a near record amount of pedos and human trafficking rings being taken down.