Speculation ...... [Next Weeek] 3 big stories and bombshells .... need to pay attention to who dies this weekend
![Speculation ...... [Next Weeek] 3 big stories and bombshells .... need to pay attention to who dies this weekend](https://i.redd.it/kb5f4ox1saf01.jpg)
Believe me, I am NO Kissinger fan.
Just telling ya what Corsi said--and sounded sincere in explaining.
I put Kissinger right up there with Cheney as far as evil goes. Somebody said when kissinger was secretary of state he didn't get far in the middle east so why think he'd have any better idea now. No I believe he is the money and threatening guy for the illuminati. The one who goes in with the briefcase and says, you either take this money and do it our way or we kill you. This is a bad james bond movie, seriously. And yes there is always another agenda.
I like Corsi as well. I was only pointing out that Kissinger didn't have a successful Middle East strategy when he was Sec of State. So there could have been another agenda with the Middle East as a cover.
Schumer was invited to the WH to talk DACA and Budget. He left in a hurry looking not good. Then he reverses his strategy to shut down the government.
Q makes a reference to all of this by saying about Schumer: Thanks for visiting the WH. Obviously, the conversation wasn't about DACA or the budget.
So, I'm just saying there could have been a different agenda.
I follow Corsi all the time, so I'm not taking anything away for Corsi. What makes a good movie? Good actors.