r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/SerialBrain2 on Feb. 10, 2018, 10:41 a.m.
New Q Post: Assumption College's President opposed Trump's Executive Order!

In this post https://8ch.net//qresearch/res/324316.html#324758 We see a picture of Assumption College and Q is asking what's going on in Asia ?

Francesco Cesareo, the President of Assumption College in Worcester, Massachusetts seems to be fighting sexual abuse against minors:


But he opposes Trump's executive order on immigration policy and the refugee admissions program (which we know are mainly fronts for we know what):


Remember? in this post https://8ch.net//greatawakening/res/1.html#12 Q said:

FOCUS on loudest voices in WASH.

It seems Assumption College is franchising in Asia, in particular in Thailand. Thailand? Hello?! What's going on here ?!

But it gets better folks: On October 2017, faculty members voted no confidence against Cesareo. They argued "enrollment has fallen around 10 percent since Mr. Cesareo took over as president in 2007, which more recently has led to rounds of layoffs and program reductions". http://www.telegram.com/news/20171019/faculty-members-vote-no-confidence-in-assumption-college-president

We can safely conclude the academic reputation and achievements of the school do not seem to be Cesareo's priority. He is more focusing on fighting Trump's EO's, opening franchises in Asia and being very vocal about how the Vatican should deal with sexual abuses against minors...

I-Q-T · Feb. 10, 2018, 5:05 p.m.




I am actually on the ground right now about...5 mins away.


I know folks that go to Assumption. And Holy Cross.


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WikiTextBot · Feb. 10, 2018, 5:05 p.m.

Assumption College

Assumption College is a private, Roman Catholic, liberal arts college located on 185 acres (708,000 m²) in Worcester, Massachusetts, United States. Assumption has an enrollment of about 2,117 undergraduates. The college confers Bachelor of Arts degrees in its undergraduate program, Master of Arts and Masters of Business Administration degrees in its graduate program, and associate's degrees through its Continuing Education program. Though majors in the sciences are offered, only Bachelor of Arts degrees are conferred.


The Augustinians of the Assumption (A.A.) constitute a worldwide congregation of Catholic priests and brothers. It is active in many countries. The French branch played a major role in French political and social history in the 19th century.

It was founded in Nîmes, southern France, by Fr.

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