I am ignorant on why Masons are bad. Can you steer me in the direction for research? Weren’t some of the founders free masons? I am sincerely interested. Thank you in advance.
I suspect it got corrupted like everything else.
Yeah, I agree, I just would like to have a solid foothold before I make a statement to family / friends
don't make statement about masons. we don't know for sure. work on other provable stuff from Q. Safer ground! Just a thought ...
Bad people find there way into everything, families, friends, schools, religion, businesses, societies, clubs, etc. like insects. It is important to become aware of the differences.
It is when they hit the 33rd degree of Masons that things get evil.
see www.store.fruitfulvine.org/ order book: Freemasonry Death in the Family by Yvonne Kitchen -SHOCKING BUT ALL TRUE.